CDC Symptom Diary Card

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Martin Truex Jr. Foundation

The words of Martin Truex Jr. on ovarian cancer, and how the love of his life, Sherry Pollex, lived through treatment.  He calls it "The Fight of Our Lives"

"Since the Foundation started, we’ve been committed to helping children beat cancer. With the addition of ovarian cancer, we are raising awareness and asking women to be their own health advocates — to listen to their bodies and understand the symptoms of a pelvic mass and its relation to ovarian cancer. I never thought I would get a crash course in women’s anatomy and use my time in NASCAR talking about my girlfriend’s ovaries, but that’s life, and it’s what we’re doing. Honestly, there’s no way to really understand what cancer can do to someone or to a family unless you’ve lived through it and seen it firsthand." 
 Martin Truex Jr. of "The Players" posted on Facebook  02-15-16

I want to thank Martin Truex Jr and Sherry Pollex for allowing their personal experience and celebrity to raise awareness of ovarian cancer.  So much has been accomplished since my initial surgery but there is much more work to be done.

Your campaign helps everyone, patients, researchers and physicians alike.

Please share their pages to raise awareness.

God Bless you both.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Out-Of-The-Box Thinking from M.I.T. and Global-Cures.Org

Are you interested in an out-of-the-box idea for reducing early recurrence of cancer?

Here is a fascinating video from M.I.T. about a need for research on anti-inflammatory medications and their relationship in the prevention of early recurrence of cancer in people who have received cancer treatment.  I was fascinated by this video.  Please take the time to watch this You-Tube video.

As a person who also receives daily treatment for severe rheumatoid arthritis I find the idea of using anti-inflammatory medications as part of the treatment process very intriguing.  I wonder if having RA has somehow helped improve my longevity with ovarian cancer.  

There is no way to know this right now.  I have been on prednisone for years and was taking prednisone prior to my debulking surgery.  Encouraging!

Peace and Blessings to all.

Monday, February 08, 2016

#Livingwithcancer Memories New And Old. Go #Broncos

Happy Super Bowl 50

When I was a kid our family rallied around the Bronco games.  Watching the Broncos was consistently the one event our family did together for as long as we had season tickets.  My grandmother Archuleta lived near the stadium and one of us children or mom would get to go to the home games with dad.  We parked at grandma's, had a meal and walked to the stadium. Blizzard or no blizzard, we were there!

I think I went to Floyd Little's last game, not sure as some of the memories are kind of fuzzy.  If I focus I can still feel the weight and catch the aroma of dad's binoculars.  They had a new car smell, ha funny.  I remember lugging around blankets and freezing my butt off.  I even remember the people in front of us, sort of.  

Now the memories come across like viewing one big long documentary of our family.  I remember all the aunts, uncles, cousins and family friends coming over for chile or pot roast. Mom would cook up a storm.  My siblings and I got to invite friends over.

Grandma was always looking out for us as we walked back to the her humble apartment.  She would be standing in the doorway, behind the glass, anxiously waiting for us to safely return from the game. I remember people selling homemade burritos, tamales and tacos along the sidewalk.  Sometimes the walks back to grandma's home were so cold I could not even speak.  It was worth it.

Most of all I remember the blip of happiness that gave us all a little bump for the week. Something to look forward to as a family.

Well being in Seattle it has been difficult to always catch a Bronco game because I do not pay for sports cable.  I miss the days when you could watch the Broncos for free.  Ha.

I want to say that Super Bowl 50 was exciting, fun, and a great escape from day to day concerns.  I really was feeling grateful to be watching it!  I really was.  I remember a time when I would never have imagined being alive to watch Super Bowl 50.  To see Denver's beloved Broncos win this game was exhilarating.  I wanted to be back home with my family and friends to share in the joy.

My cat Marilyn was great company though.  She was not a big fan of my cheering but graciously hung in there until the end of the game.

Thank you Denver Broncos for giving me a great lift for the day.  Thank you for giving myself and the people in my family great memories.  

Congratulations John Elway and Peyton Manning.  

I plan to be around for Season 2016 and maybe I will get to see a game in Denver.  It is time for some serious cheer!

I hope my readers had fun enjoying the Broncos' win.  We all need our little happys!

God Bless you all.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

My Little Happys Today: Soap And Video Of Ebey Trails By Joe Hendricks

Merry Christmas Soap by Servivorgirl

It was a thrill to make some delightful soaps for our church during December. I am preparing for a future wherein making soap is a regular part of my day. Soap making is so fun, it takes me away from day to day worries. My little earthly escape to supplement my journey with God.  The creative process allows me to listen to God, in a way.  I am not distracted by chatter and can focus on bringing out the goodness in my heart.  I love sharing this with others.  

My Servivorgirl brand is developing now, organically.  The members of the parish who took my bars were all very pleased.  I did not sell them, I just made them as part of a special celebration to honor the Solemnity of the Holy Family.  It also rewarded me because I had an opportunity to practice this craft and learn more about mixing oils, fragrance and micas.

My ultimate goal is to create special soaps for those who are suffering, to lift a spirit and give a smile.     Please be patient as I work on my platform and hopefully I will be able to sell some of these little gems in the future. 

And now for a quick getaway from my friend Joe Hendricks.  He is a true friend and delight, faithful to the Lord and the environment.  He had lost his wife to breast cancer several years ago and spends his time hiking in the Pacific Northwest.  His friendly and exciting YouTube channel provides another kind of escape, taking a beautiful look into the remote treasures of Washington State.

Please pay a visit to my friend Joe.  You will not be disappointed.  

I pray you are well today, my readers.  Keep smiling and keep your faith!

God Bless you.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Mary's Moon

As I was walkng along the path, the moonlight made day what was to be night.  Having just escaped a  treacherous interrogation in the auditorium I was refreshed from the crisp cold air of that predawn hour.

After a night of defending all of what I believed to be true from relentless badgering it was such a relief to find what might have been the first glances of heaven.  I was cold, my coat was left behind.  I was practically running when off to my right I saw them, the Sisters of Christ, all in awe of something up above.  Each one was praying and smiling, layimg their palms out front and upwards toward the bright light. The details of their faces were lost in the brilliant rays from the moon.  The crisp cold air became warm, releasing me from my shaking and chills.

I stopped and turned around, looking up towards the stars I saw this enormous full moon.  It was necessary to block some of the glare with my palm as my eyes were hurting trying to focus on what I was seeing.  As I began to understand what it was my knees began to shake and a wave of exitation came over me like never before.

In the center of this most glorious and brilliant lunar presence was our Blessed Mother holding our Lord Jesus, and she was rocking this sweet baby back and forth in her loving arms.  

I can still see this vision so clearly, right this moment.  The sweet Sisters, lovingly looking up at the moon.  The path, the dark background and then sweet Mary's Moon. She is so beautiful and exquisite, soothing and adoring.  She just cradles our Lord and rocks him gently back and forth. She wants for us to love Him as she loves Him. That was the message in my dream.  

I guess the visit to the museum yesterday really had an impact on my dream last night.  (I will not go into the details of the interrogation but it is safe to say that my nightmare was extinguished by love and joy.)

Here is a sample from the Seattle Art Museum.  It was very tiring to go, I have to admit, but so well worth it.  When we are sick we need to find activities that give us peace and hope. Find something that grabs you by the heart.  

Peace and Blessings

"Virgin and Child"

Egg tempera and gold on wood
Master of San Torpe'
Italian, active ca. 1290-ca. 1320
Samuel H. Kress Collection, 61.152

Seattle Art Museum

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Professor John Krystal of Yale on PTSD....fascinating video

Anyone can get PTSD.  This documentary focuses on the actual brain tissue, explaining how each part relates to the other and the parts of the brain effected by PTSD.  Individuals also have a unique PTSD profile because of genetics.

It gives us hope though to see this kind of detailed research.

At the end of the video he explains that PTSD can come and go "like arthritis" which in my mind makes this problem much more difficult to manage.  Really how does one live well when at any time anything could trigger them and they may not even be aware of it?  How sad. A rollercoaster ride for all.

I hope you can set aside time to watch this.  It is highly educational, especially if you enjoy learning how parts of the brain function. Hopefully this will provide insight to pave a way for progress in your life or the life of a loved one.

Someone I love suffers from PTSD. I know at the heart of the matter this person is not intending to cause problems, but he does. I think to say that this person can only get help when they are ready is not helping him and yet he cannot be forced to get help.  He is losing the support of the people he loves and who love him and support is essential to recovery.  It is very frustrating because neither he nor his family deserve any of this. It is tragic in every way.  We all are doing our best in our own way but to be honest, it is not really getting better. I pray every day for him.

Maybe he will see this and work with someone to get more than just talk therapy. God Bless him.

This video brilliantly showcases that there is a strong "organic" component seen in MRI scans where changes in the brain have occured.  So that being said I must try to be objective and understand that some of the behaviors are not intended to be annoying or troublesome or even harmful.  But there is control somewhere and if PTSD comes and goes, how does the patient really manage it?  How does the family cope?

This video provides great insight.  There are no simple answers.

Peace and Blessings

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Giving The Worry To Him And Merry Christmas

We have lost many wonderful women from ovarian cancer this year and several of them I knew quite well.  As we prepare for the coming of Christ and the coming of the New Year, let us pause to pray for those who lit up our hearts and that are now living in eternity.

Keep your faith and keep your hope, in people and in God.  Many strides were made this year in ovarian cancer testing and treatment.  We know not what is around the corner and it is possible that what lies ahead brings longer lives with fewer side effects.

If this time of year is difficult for you, either from the loss of a dear friend or loved one, know that you are in my prayers and the prayers of many throughout the world.  You are not alone.

I feel joyful for the first time in many years this Christmas.  It is sincerely a real struggle at times with mom being gone but overall the memories are getting more positive and I am excited to see her when my time comes.  

I look at her photo every day, tap on a kiss and say "I love you mom".  This morning I was putting on purple socks and I could hear her giggling.   

Spending some time handcrafting soaps is my "go to" happy place for the holidays. Many of the soaps will be given away at our parish breakfast this coming Sunday. The rest will be donated to shelters in the Seattle area.

So far I have spent time with friends to see Christmas lights in the Bellevue Botanical Garden, attended a church Christmas concert, spent a fantastic afternoon with a gentlemen friend for a Christmas dinner,  and attended a presentation of "The Nutcracker". I look at my lit tree every morning and evening, say my prayers and think about my family far away.  

Look for the little joys and listen for the Holy Spirit for He will guide you if you allow it.  I have to do this, I don't just say this.  For example, my CA125 went up a little and this is probably because I had a break from Avastin due to an unexpected surgery.  I was worried for a few minutes then I went silent, prayed and asked God to continue to guide me in what direction He sees fit.  I have to stay centered with the Lord, it keeps me steady and happy.  I give that worry to Him.

I pray to Our Holy Mother of God that your heart awakens joyfully for the Coming of Our Lord Jesus this Christmas.  Let Him be your refuge and give you His Love.  

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Pick Me Up in Seattle: Lashes and Brows....Two Sisters

My Christmas Tree

A few months ago I met an aesthetician who has a sister that is battling ovarian cancer.  The sisters are living far apart, one in Washington State and the other in Florida. In honor of her sister in Florida, this kind woman named Sandra is starting a business that concentrates on lifting the spirits of women who are experiencing the loss of their brows and lashes as a result of cancer treatments.

Sandra Eaton, owner of The Lash and Brow Clinic,  plans to start a program where she can donate needed goods to women with ovarian cancer. Her clinic is in the Queen Anne area, off of Dexter Avenue.  Sandra gave me a relaxing facial and brow contour a few weeks ago that lifted my spirits, providing a nice bump in happiness.

Sandra's sister is suffering greatly and her sister's resources are getting depleted due to the high cost of medical care. Because of this oftentimes people with cancer do not have money for basc needs. This story rings true all over in cancerland, sadly enough.

If you are in the Seattle area and would like to receive a dignified and private treatment for your brows and lashes, please visit Sandra in her clinic.  She is a very compassionate woman who understands the need for privacy and dignity.  She is also joyful, spirited and enthusiastic in her cause.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Denise Archuleta

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Panalitas And A Message Of Love

Last Thanksgiving I slept well into the late afternoon.  November is a very difficult month.  This year I was up by 9:00 am!  I thank the Lord Jesus for continuing to condition my heart and mind, my spirit rejoices in His love.

I am alone, physically.  I am not alone in spirit.  It has been a fantastic day.  I have spoken with my dad, sent and received multiple loving Thanksgiving greetings with family and friends. I have also enjoyed lots of fun time playing with my kitkat Marilyn.

Mom's passing, birthday and favorite holiday, Thanksgiving, all happen within a few weeks of each other.  Last year I was immobilized.  This year only partially immobilized.

God awoke me with joy today.  I was excited to cook her favorite meal today, a pot roast.  This will provide many more meals to come as well.  I  am attempting a pumpkin pie and panalitas, a spanish individual pie.  We know them by their common name of empanadas.  I have been searching for the term "panalita" and it seems to evade me.  I wonder from where grandma Archuleta got the word panalita? 

The panalitas are taking longer to cook than I have anticipated, so we'll see how they turn out. Ha!  

Since I have already snacked on cinnamon-sugar pie crust I really don't need anymore calories for the day.  I will prepare a small salad so that I feel some nutritional balance.  Ha!

I will continue to decorate my tree.  As part of a new tradition that I am starting in my humble home, I put up the tree on mom's birthday.  I really felt happiness starting early this year.  Many of us are yearning for more happiness, the world is appearing more and more dangerous and we are seeking safety and love.

God, through his only begotten son, our Lord Jesus Christ, provides this Love to us, always.  He does not force His way into our lives.  I am so grateful to have this chance to get to know Him more and more each day.  Over this year I have gotten more comfortable with mom being up in Heaven because I know she is safe, she is happy and she is Loved.  That is probably why I was able to get up today and celebrate Thanksgiving in my own little way as opposed to being too sad to rejoice in Thanksgiving to God and my loved ones.

Our Pope is an instrument of His love. Please take just two minutes to view these Blessings from God:

I pray for all of you to find security in the Lord and peace with your family.  If you are alone physically say a little prayer to God to remind yourself that you really are not alone.

Happy Thanksgiving!

God Bless you all.

Grandma Archuleta made panalitas for the holidays.  These are little pumpkin pies.
To all our loved ones in Heaven, we love you and miss you.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Art Therapy

My cross of hope

Mom's fish ornament


I remember sitting at mom's kitchen table in Seattle several years ago, feeling the urge to draw. I was receiving heavy frontline chemo, felt out of sorts and was craving a way to express myself.  Mom, being a true artist, had supplies on the ready.  She pointed me in the right direction and I just sat there, no talking, just painting what came to my mind.

The process instantly brought about a blanket of peace and calm.

This fish ornament had been given to mom by me the Christmas before and I love it so much.  My little rendition gives me a pulse of happiness because the colors remind me of her.  The cross represents my light of hope in Jesus and Love for Christ.  

I am writing today about the importance of participating in art as part of our daily life,  especially when we have a serious illness.  Everyone has the ability to create art. 

We need to nurture our creativity and art therapy is in and of itself a branch of healthcare that can help people cope with fear, pain and the unknown.  It allows for us to express ourselves without justification or explanation. Art "is".

I am not an artist by any means, not like others in my family who can actually draw and paint or sculpt.  I do though love to create things and build on ideas. This blog was originally created by me as a form of expressive art. 

Now I have another new passion.  I love to make soap!  It is a complete distraction.  I literally forget my problems.

Surrounding ourselves with art that pleases our senses is like layering our immune system with hundreds of millions of new T cells.  If you have lots of medical equipment, supplies and brochures in your home environment, try to organize these items so that they are only visible when used.  It will help your mood.  

Spend some time escaping via You Tube watching art videos.  Coloring books seem to be the rage now for adults, go ahead and get one.  Get your hands in it and place the color on the paper.  Allow your hands to follow your heart.  

For those who want to see academic results on how art therapy helps people with cancer, see this link on a study completed by:

Barnes, Diana C., "How Women Use Art and Art erapy to Cope With Breast Cancer: A Systematic Exploration of Published Literature" (2015). LMU/LLS eses and Dissertations. Paper 148.

I also want to plug our local creative outlet for cancer patients,  Cancer Lifeline offers free art classes to all people with cancer, as well as other valuable support groups and resources for people in the Seattle area.  Thank you Cancer Lifeline for your generous contribution to the Seattle community.

November is the month of remembrance.  I pay my respects to all the souls who have departed us for the heavens.  I miss you mom. 

God Bless you all.


Sunday, November 01, 2015

Am I An Inpatient Or An Outpatient?

That is the question and it is the most important question you need to ask if you are moved from the emergency room to the hospital floor.  

I knew to ask it but this last time around I was not able to pin the response down clearly enough.  I live alone, have no family out here to be with me in the ER.  although I can call upon family to talk with the doctors, they do not always call them back with these details.  What is a person like myself supposed to do? 

If there is time, the next time I think I need to go to the ER I am going to resume the habit I had when I was receiving intensive chemotherapy.  I will contact the gynecologist on call or my primary doctor on call and get their assistance in the process.  They can help communicate with the ER hospitalist and provide much needed confidence to the ER hospitalist so that an inpatient admission to the floor is what occurs if I am taken to the floor for treatment and testing.  Medicare severely punishes hospitals for wrongly admitting a patient.

As a cancer patient I am more likely to go to the ER because of all of the side effects of current and past treatments received for ovarian cancer.

I spoke with an administrator at the hospital, thanks to the referral from my amazing hospitalist on the floor.  The administrator shared with me that there is a 48 hour window, the 2 midnight rule, that does allow a hospitalist to change the status if there is substantial back up and great documentation.  Also to note though is that if a person is admitted and they get better before the 2 midnight rule hits, then the documentation needs to add that the patient got better sooner than expected.  

If this confuses you, you are not alone.  Medicare has this new 2 midnight rule in place that requires an ER doctor to justify an admission by predetermining if a patient will be in hospital for more than 2 midnights.  This is insane because time is not a dictator of treatment success.  The ER doctor may or may not yet have that information which is why a patient needs admitted!  

New laws are in place requiring hospitals to notify a patient of this status but not all hospitals are doing this yet.  I was recently in the ER, had been moved to the floor, asked if I was admitted, told yes, but was admitted to observation.  This is an oxymoron, there is no such thing as admission to observation. Observation is kind of a holding status. I had already received a CT scan and when I found out I was not an inpatient, as needed, I was very disheartened and upset.

If you hear the words "admission" "observation" "monitor" in the same sentence, BEWARE.  I have always been an advocate for getting clarity about "observation status" for myself and others yet I fell into it anyway. I do not think any patient under the influence of IV pain meds or in a state of duress can be considered competent enough to decipher the code words for observation unless the words "you are an outpatient under observation" are branded on our hospital band, written on the communication board AND communicated to a caregiver or family member.

By the grace of God the hospitalist on the floor stood up for me, the patient.  He asked hard questions and it was clear that I was an inpatient, my status corrected and I was provided assistance to get my situation clarified. Thank you Lord!  Imagine though had I been totally confused for any reason.  I would have had no way of knowing this until I received an outrageous bill for services not covered as an outpatient in observation.  This happens to thousands of people per year.

For an in-depth look at this huge problem link to Hospital  

New laws are in place to require hospitals to notify patients with certainty as to their status, but not all hospitals are following the rules yet.

The Notice of Observation Treatment and Implication for Care Eligibility Act would require a written, explanation of the Medicare patient’s status as an outpatient under observation, why they are in that status, and outline the cost sharing and skilled nursing facility (SNF) implications.  Congress Passes Requirements for Observation Status Notification, Cost Assessments

I personally believe the observation status option should be removed in its entirety and Medicare should enable doctors do what they need to do to help their patients.  I am going to add my 2 cents and say we need a single payer system for everyone and get rid of all of this red tape that interferes with high quality care.  Especially deceiving misleading red tape involving observation status.

When we are taken to the emergency room we do not have any idea as to if we will need any rehabilitative services. The outpatient status negates coverage of skilled nursing care, if such a need arises.  Medicare beneficiaries also will not be covered for services provided in the hospital if the patient is under observation status, as opposed to inpatients.

Here are a few helpful links regarding observation status, its consequences and pending legislation to alleviate some of the resulting financial hardships that break the backs of medicare beneficiaries.  If you have medicare advantage you could fall prey to this hardship as well. Please contact your insurance company.  Do not make any assumptions.  Medicare recovery audit program targeted for reform after spike in observation stays
By Helen Adamopoulos  | May 20, 2015

S.843 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)
Improving Access to Medicare Coverage Act of 2015

I am sorry to have imposed all of this information upon you because it is not uplifting.  I just want to do all I can to help you to avoid falling into this loophole.  The original intent of the observation status was to prevent fraud and its use has gotten out of hand hurting thousands of people, placing good doctors in a terrible position and costing hospitals huge fines and placing patients in financial hardship, possibly bankruptcy.  

It is costly to manage, I imagine.  Landsharks can be sent back to patients to recover money after an audit that has reversed a status from inpatient to observation. This ruins everything for these patients forcing them to lose savings, homes and assets that they have worked for all their life. It is just criminal in my mind.

Remember to ask up front if you are an Inpatient or an Outpatient!  By the way, I am really knocked down.  I live literally 50 feet fom my pharmacy/grocery store. When I walked across the parking lot to fill my prescription the staff gave me a free bottle of water, asked me to please sit down and told me I was very pale.  I was breathing hard, very short of breath.  I did not realize how weak I was.  This evening I did not make it to church, as I desperately wanted.  I am too tired and do not want to drive. I have not driven a car since October 14th.  I have had my fill of hospitalizations for awhile.....ha.

I hope you find these resources helpful.  It is a lot of information to swallow.  I hope there are no typos, I am still very fatigued from my stay at the hospital.  Happy November by the way.

Peace and Blessings!


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Emergency Surgery, On The Mend

Hi everyone.  This is a short post because I am just darn tired.

My Avastin is on hold until November 24, 2015.  I had an emergency surgery October 15th to have my gallbladder (GB) removed.  I dislike that word so I will use the initials GB instead.

I was awakened the day prior at 1 am with horrible pain in my upper abdomen that just got worse and  worse.  I was sick, no anti-nausea meds or pain meds worked.  I finally had to call 911, Of course I was not given any pain meds until an ultrasound was done.  I wonder if the ambulance personnel thought I was a drug addict because I had pulled out a bunch of pill bottles looking for amything that could help.  

The doctors started me on antibiotics and I had the GB surgery the next morning.  I was given lots of dilaudid to get me through until surgery.  

I never knew a GB attack was this painful.  Several friends have since shared their GB nightmares. 

I wanted to share a few important pieces of information:

1. Always have your med, allergy, diagnoses and contacts information on hand. I always do, except for of course this past time. The ambulance driver may not be able to take you to where your primary or oncologist are based.  In my case I literally was crying out for the closest hospital.  That is how bad the pain was.  I did not have this info on me and I could barely speak. It was rather difficult to tell them this information.

2. If you are not comfortable with the resident surgeon, please ask for the attending surgeon.  In my case, given that I have cancer, I just felt uncomfortable with a resident doing my surgery. The resident was very polite and understood. My operation was performed by a board certified surgeon, and for that I am grateful.

I have been exhausted, am still on pain pills, but have greatly improved.  I have some really amazing friends in my building who watched my kit kat Marilyn and did a little shopping for me. I should be OK to drive by the end of this week.  I am slowly getting back in the groove of things.

So I see my gynonc in a few weeks and then prayerfully all will be well again and I can resume my Avastin.   In the mean time I pray this break from Avastin does not allow any surge in cancer activity.  It is a great time to rebuild my stamina.  

In case you are wondering as to why the Avastin needs to be on hold, Avastin increases risk for bleeding.  I do have a couple of new clips inside along with 5 incisions that all need healing from the GB surgery.  Plus Avastin can cause one to be a slow healer.  So there you have it.

Onward and upward.  Time for the holidays!  Time for Christmas cheer!  Yes I am one of "those" people.  I started listening to my Christmas music today.  Yay!

Peace and Blessings

Friday, October 02, 2015

Would You Like To Help Dr. Swisher Team Lead SU2C?

How do we decide, when we are able and ready, where to place our valuable resources when we want to support ovarian cancer research?  It can get cloudy and confusing because there are many very powerful and credible organizations that have dedicated hard working employees and volunteers who live for their cause.

My personal opinion is that breast cancer research and ovarian cancer research needs should be marked together as one strong united front.  Women with breast cancer who have BRCA mutations need to know that they also have a risk for ovarian cancer.  So I am taking advantage of this time of year to share opportunities that support women's cancers.  I want to help a greater number of people.

The Director of Philanthropy at the University of Washington, David Chow, found for me a very special fund that supports ovarian cancer research done by the good gynonc doctors at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Dr. Elizabeth Swisher, the team lead for the Stand Up To Cancer Ovarian Cancer Dream Team, uses this critical fund, per David Chow, to augment her SU2C research.

As you know I am also a patient at SCCA and they are rated the 5th best cancer treatment center in America.  My home is with the SCCA, UW Medicine and all of my caring providers in Seattle.

The Feuer Research Fund allows for easy giving with both small and monthly donations.  Please consider supporting this fund.

Feuer Research Fund for Prevention and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

Here is a link to recent research completed by Elizabeth Swisher, M.D. regarding the future of multi-gene testing.  Please read this article because it gets to the heart how this kind of testing can more accurately identify those who need prophylactic cancer prevention measures and those who may not.

Peace and Blessings

Missing mom today

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Women Still Placing Health of Others Ahead of Their Own

I was thrilled to be invited to New York to interview Dr. Lewin but unfortunately I was not able to attend.  Please look closely at the results of this survey.  Share this with women in your circle so that they can be inspired to ask more questions about their gynecological health.

Peace and Blessings