CDC Symptom Diary Card

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Crying all day

Today has been horrible.  It hit me like a brick that being compromised, not able to do all that a person wants to do in life, when it comes to being with the people you love, is just devastating.  I had been crying and crying and crying and praying for God to give my mom just a few days of freedom from her trials and angst.

It all started with the image of my mom being able to drive her grand kids to a vacation park, play in the sand or have a picnic in the mountains.  For some reason this image caused an emotional break today.  A total collapse.

A miracle happened.  She called to say that her kidneys are doing better.  There is a possibility that she may be able to take a break from dialysis.  WOW  Now this needs to be tested and be verified, but even a little break would improve everything.  She is so much healthier since her heart surgery.  I have desperately wanted for her to have some normalcy.  I have been praying and who knows exactly why but this is such great news.  She is still in shock.  This is her above, isn't she so beautiful!!!!!!

When we go out together, and people learn she is my mom, the look at me like I'm lying.  Really?  Really?  They say to her how wonderful she looks!  They always think I'm her sister.

I have been really emotional all day.  AND I have this weird numbness on my face.  I left a message for the gynonc, and I'm sure they will address it.  My right upper gum, part of the right side of my nose has been numb.  This has been since chemo, but it wasn't too noticeable or I thought it would get better.  Not sure.  Maybe it's just a dental issue (I lost a front tooth to chemo about 6 months ago and wear a prosthetic).  Maybe my prosthetic needs to be replaced.  I'm certain that is it............but it's just weird.

I'm feeling trapped and stuck.  I want to fly.  I want to run away.  This news about mom is just so precious and uplifting.

I created a little bluegrass station on Pandora, and I love it.  It's so fun to listen to bluegrass.  It's like so awesome.  It gives me little happies.

I am so so so so so so so so so so so so hugely happy for mom, thank you God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What happened to simplicity?

I am longing for simpler days and simple life.  Longing for less complications with everything from paying bills, grocery shopping, using my computer to just having a cup of coffee.  Everything is so complex and difficult to do these days.

Remember when you were a kids you had a circle of local friends who you went to see?  You rode bikes and played house and played store.  You built far away places by hanging blankets on the clothesline and told spooky stories.  You explored the local field and thought you were in another country.  You went to a friends house and waited for mom to call out your name for all to hear, "Denise come home, dinner's ready!"

I desperately wish that kids today had those "kinds" of days, to play freely and run around the neighborhood.

Every day we are here is a gift and we have to schedule every moment now, all of us do.  There is no waiting until tomorrow to find "a better time" to laugh or shine or cry or do nothing but enjoy the birds singing.

Today is the first day since my second round of carbo-drip desensitization that I have felt good enough to get out and about. It's been tiring but full.  Got to see mom, went shopping and had coffee.  That was super great.  Just to sit at the coffee house and watch people and sip sip sip.  I then did my job from home and am exhausted, but OK.

Do all  cancer patients go through this? Sometimes all I can do is think about my past mistakes and just tear my hair out wishing for second chances or a new opportunity.  But those moments are gone.

I am loved by so many amazing people, but I am not sure I'll ever be able to accomplish anything worthy of being proud.  Just living, literally.  In this world of over achievers and extreme artists, athletes, intellects, scientists, filmmakers, geeks and doctors, I am but a simpleton.  All I have to offer is my heart and I hope that will do.

My not having any children to help me as I age, I fear, has placed a level of worry on others that was never intended.  We never expect ourselves to be "in need".  Luckily I have an amazing family and circle of friends who are willing to help me if I need it.

Never allow a doctor or anyone to tell you not to have children.  I never should have listened to that doctor when I was young, my whole life would be different.  I could have had a normal life and a family.  Some of you may not know this but when I first got arthritis at age 15, my rheumatologist told me not to have kids because I would not be able to take care of them.  Medicine for RA was bad and he may have been right, but that was still my choice to make, and I let him make if for me.  I was never the same after that and was and felt abnormal.  I still cannot get over the irony that I have ovarian cancer when I had been told not to have kids.  If I would have been given the option to remove my ovaries ( especially now knowing that I have the BRCA 1 mutation) I would not have gotten ovarian cancer.

Sorry, I guess I'm not over that ....................sorry for the repetition.  I just don't understand the cruelty.

I didn't want to heal from cancer to be thrown back into the rat race!  I just can't resolve this inner turmoil of needing money to pay bills to exist to pay bills which need money. I don't want all this chemo to be wasted on a life of meaningless daily drills of bills and pills.  I must nourish my creative spirit now.

I am going to write a book, I have a very unique experience that needs to be told, that you don't know about yet..ha ha ha. That is all I have to offer.

That is the only creative thing I can hands are crap, can't paint.  Can't draw, can't sing. but do love to dance.  Seriously, my hands are bad and using them to create won't work.  Maybe I can paint with my feet.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Anyway, you may have figured out that chemo has an effect on our emotions and I am praying to make a difference. I tend to ramble when I have so many conflicting emotions inside.

I just wish things could be simple...............I pray each of  you can find peace and simplicity and hang onto it forever.  Love your family more than anything...........

Love and kisses and thanks for putting up with kitty Marilyn says hi tooooooo

Monday, April 09, 2012

Up for more Carbodrip? Must meet Marilyn first, my kitty cat friend

Before I go into anything serious I just have to share a little video I made of Marilyn.  Marilyn is my new kitty cat, who was previously at a shelter and then a foster-family.  Her foster parents were so nice and took such wonderful care of her.  Marilyn is so sweet and a true little lady.  She is polite and clean and really amazing.  She loves to play with her birdie toy and most of all she loves to be cuddly.  Exactly the kind of cat I wanted.  Being back in Chemo-ville creates a bit of anxiety and expected fears and loneliness.  It’s just part of the overall scope of symptoms of chemo, and cancer.  I believe in the healing powers of pets and the perfect little angel fell into my life. 

My Sweet Marilyn, she is six years old and comes from a foster  family.  Originally found wandering in Seattle, and taken to a shelter.  I am blessed to have my little friend.
 I apologize, I have been trying like crazy to upload several very cute videos of her, but we will have to wait. On my Facebook page there is an adorable play session, and I'd encourage you to check it out.  

I hope that you all had a beautiful Easter Holiday. 

Monday morning I go to the hospital for my second cup of carbodrip, with cream of course.  I have been keeping busy today, reflecting on the message of Easter and feeling warmth knowing that we are in a time of rebirth and renewal.  We have new opportunities to clean up our messes and start fresh.  Isn’t that just amazing?

I was fortunate to go to Easter Vigil on Saturday night.  All I can say is that I really needed to go.  It felt so good and I am so grateful to be here.

I wanted to share with you some of the reasons why people support and have joined the cause 
“Turn Facebook Teal to Heal in September”.  I spent a lot of time on Saturday catching up with the members and sending out a few notes.   


I am a cancer survivor myself and would like to see something done with this silent has taken so many lives and caused so much pain. I want to do anything in my power to change this and would like the love and support of family and friends to share in the support

I lost my grandmother to ovarian cancer, and would like to make others aware of this terrible disease.

I lost my Aunt to ovarian cancer & I pray every day for a cure so one day no one will ever have to feel the pain of losing the ones they love in such an awful way!!

I am an Ovarian Cancer Survivor. Stage 1a. I am one of the lucky ones. We need to get the word out. Early Detection is key.ave lost way too many friends from the hideous illness called Cancer !!

I lost my mom to ovarian cancer

I am in my 3rd year of remission, always a fighter, I now fight for me and all those still fighting, and for our angels who got wings we will always love and remember the fight you all fought.

I am facing a terminal illness, it is time to act. Get with a program and support it however, you can.
-Carol Lyn Wnuk

Ovarian Cancer took my sister 02/02/2010.

I have seen the human body and spirit ravished by this evasive disease. The cure for Ovarian cancer may open the door to the cure for other dream killing disease within the body. 
Carol Wnuk

I want to raise awareness to help more victims become 
survivors like my sister.

I lost my Mom to Ovarian Cancer and I want to find I way 
to stop it from taking any more amazing women

In support of my dear friend Jessica xo

I am an ovarian cancer survivor of 3 yrs. I want to spread the awareness so no other woman has to suffer from this hideous disease! Lets put teal on the map so everyone knows what this color means without having to ask!!

I am a 25 yr survivor and blessed with a Beautiful 21 yr old daughter.Just wanted to let women 
know you can beat this disease.

CANCER the most hurtful word ever spoken. It takes our loved ones way to soon and it is evil. Lets fight it together and try to beat it the best we can. I love and miss those whom I have already lost due to cancer and DON'T want to lose anymore. 
I shall stand tall!!!!

Because no young girl or woman should go through what I or any other woman has gone through from Ovarian Cancer. 

My Mother passed away from Ovarian Cancer at the age of 55..that was almost 1 yr ago. I miss her so much.
I hope to help prevent anyone else from suffering.

These are just some of their heartfelt words......

I'll be in hospital til Tuesday, so long as all goes well.  It will be the same 
de-sensitization treatment as last time.  10 hours of chemo, yay.

 For some reason my CA125 is now 33, but I was told that was a reaction to chemo.  Oh well, that marker is not too reliable for me anyway.

I love my family, friends and followers.  Thank you God for all your gifts and grace.

Love Denise