CDC Symptom Diary Card

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

This brilliant man died yesterday fighting a never ending battle with cancer and the health complications of his war.  Cancer steals our souls, our hearts, our minds.

 We must actually find a cure, not some sort of palliative medication that allows us to "live with cancer as a chronic condition". 

I'm sorry,  I don't want to dampen our hopes or be "negative".  I'm just being real.

I don't want cancer to become a chronic disease.  It needs to remain a disease to be cured!!!!!!!

Every single person on this planet carries equal value and importance, but few of us actually soar above the flock and really make a true, positive difference for the masses.  Steve Jobs was an individual who's vision changed the way the world communicates.

For the fleeting moment along the spectrum of time wherein each of us breathes God's sweet air, we must strive to do only good.  When drug companies decide to desire to do good, we will find a cure for cancer. 

Peace, Blessings and condolences to the Jobs Family and people at Apple.

Steve Jobs, Rest in Peace

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Join Yale University to do the WALC-N Study

Hello Teal Family,

I am grateful to be participating in a very important study, about walking and our health as women who have experienced the wrath of ovarian cancer.  If you, or any woman you know, is interested in participating in this very important study, please contact Yale University.  This is a fully randomized study.

Please forward this to all of your teal sisters.  There is no other study of this nature being offered in the Ovarian Cancer community.  Your participation could save a life.

From WALC-N Study at Yale University:

We are inviting women diagnosed with ovarian cancer and living anywhere in the USA to participate in the 
WALC-N Study (sounds like “walking”). 

This research study will examine if a 6-month home-based walking program, with weekly phone calls and counseling from our certified personal trainer, will improve quality of life, fatigue and other ovarian cancer outcomes.

Friday, September 30, 2011

This is my dear mom.  Looking at her in this photo I see the true spirit of my mother.  She has in her hands my sister's Sketchbook Project booklet   Mandy is such a natural artist, as is my mom.  Even my brother is greatly talented.  My mom loves art.  In this candid moment I see her sincere deep joy in seeing my sister's works, and just being so so so happy for Mandy.

I am here to witness this joy!  I am here to participate in life and be with my family. There is no greater joy to me, other than my reverence to our dear Lord, than to be with my family.  All of my family, which includes you.

Thank you all for supporting Ovarian Cancer Awareness month, and a shout out to Tammy G. for wearing her teal shirt as she holds her precious daughter Lila.

The point of this post is that I could have missed this moment, but I didn't.  Thank you God.
