CDC Symptom Diary Card

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I can't understand it, but for the past three nights in a row I have been having nightmares.  As I sit here and type, I can visualize last nights epic adventure into mayhem.  It was just awful, terrors in a church, and I lived in the church, a little cute cottage attached off to the side.  Hundreds of people were trying to help me escape the attacks and I was ridden of all my posessions.

Maybe this is a sign.  I have nothing to really speak of, a car, a computer, a few clothes, a TV and an exercise machine.  What I actually have is the Grace of God's beauty all around me, my loving family and friends.  My compassionate doctors and nurses.  The neighborhood kitty that likes to say hello.

I don't really want for what I don't have except to say that what I have is what I want.

All I know is that my dream literally scared me to surrender everything.

Maybe tonight I will dream about puppies!  HA

Love to all

Monday, January 24, 2011

Blocking rogue gene could stop spread of cancer, new research suggests

Here's some interesting research. One day I hope to see an article that says "we know why you have cancer and here's how to prevent it". Until then, this will be a great start.

Blocking rogue gene could stop spread of cancer, new research suggests

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Moments go by and off we go

RIP to my dear cancer sister, Daria Maluta.  You were a brave and articulate compassionate soul, striving to help all your cancer sisters.  Just a few weeks ago you were set to participate in a new clinical trial and suddenly things changed.  You had so much grace, and worked so hard to tell us how you lived.  You really cared about everyone around you................

I am deeply saddened by the loss of another sister to cancer.  "Why" will never be answered.

All we can do is all we can do, to breathe love in and out and around to those we love.

My precious sister and I spent some time last night just talking over coffee while her kids were at karate practice.  It felt so incredible to just talk and share and see her smile.  I pray every day for God to grant my family the ability to share joy with each other and others in the world.

God Bless you all.
