Thursday, July 12, 2012

More well wishes and positive thoughts needed

Hi everyone,

This is just a simple note to you to let you know how mom is doing.  She is STILL in hospital.  We are trying so hard to get her stable, she is so complicated.  She had new and severe issues arise after she was admitted and we are dealing with all of that mess.

I can't go into details, just know anything you can do to send a prayer or a cheery thought her way would be welcomed with open arms.

We want our mom back.  I love you mom with all my heart.....................

PS.  I start my new chemotherapy treatments Monday the 16th.  It's breaking my heart because I won't be available to help for a few days.  I have been switched to Lipodox.  Just really need it to NOT knock me down.

Being lifted in spirit.



  1. Sending you a showering of positive thought for your mom and for you. I hope you get her back soon.

  2. Denise,

    Will be thinking of you tomorrow as you begin your new regiment. Hopefully, it will be well tolerated and you won't have any downtime.

    Holding you and your mom close.


  3. Hello Catherine and AnneMarie,

    Mom is finally back home. Your prayers were so important and helpful. She is my heroin.

    Thank you so so so so much!


Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.