Thursday, July 05, 2012

Mom's work from long ago, prayers needed

When we were young as kids, my sister, brother and I remember mom spending many nights creating beautiful paintings.  This is the only photo we have of her work.  Somehow this horse painting disappeared after the divorce years and years ago.  I never want to see the heart that created this stunning representation of a Spaniard and horse to stop.

I am asking for prayers for mom. She had a heart attack last week and a series of other serious complications are keeping her in hospital, including an infection she acquired from her central line. She is in so much pain and just not herself at all.  She is suffering.  Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

I saw my gyn onc yesterday.  Had a follow up CT scan last week.  Well, the carboplatin isn't working as well as my gyn onc would like.  My tumors have grown slightly, one the same size and there's a new tiny one.  They are still all small, but a threat if they keep growing.  I have small amount of fluid around my heart and something strange going on with my lungs.  Atelectasis....where the tiny sacs collapse. I only have small area on both lower lobes, so that is good.  I feel like that partially explains my constant fatigue and decreased activity level.

My last carboplatin treatment caused me to get very short of breath, and sometimes even now I catch myself not breathing very deeply.  So my goal is to start doing deep breathing exercises while I transition to a new medication.  Basically carbo is not giving me enough benefit for all the suffering, and I agree to change out to a new chemo medication.

So I will start a medication similar to Doxil in a few weeks.  The program is 4 treatments, monthly.  My chemo brain has caused me to forget the name of the sister drug, but I think it's called Lipodox.  I honestly can't remember.

Well, it's not the best news, but it's not the worst news either.  The carboplatin did make some difference, and for that I am thankful.  I have been so fatigued and really need to exercise.  I have gained 10 pounds.

The good news is that this new chemo may have more manageable side effects and I won't have to go in hospital to receive treatment.  My gyn onc is so good.  She really wants the time that I am in treatment to be as functional and positive as possible.  I believe she has made a smart recommendation to change at this point in the game.

I need to be there for mom, and work and be as active as possible. We have to get her back on her feet..........

I just wanted to give you an update.  Thank you for your friendship, care and prayers.



  1. Denise, you are a dear. Your mother's painting is beautiful and I'm so glad you found it.

    Just want you to know that you and your sweet mother are in my prayers every night. Even though we have never met in person, I feel a special kinship with you.

    Love (and I mean that sincerely, Cathy

  2. Cathy,

    Thank you, and my mom really appreciates your care. It's so nice to feel connected. Please take care.

    Peace and Blessings to you..


  3. Denise,
    I know I read this yesterday and I did begin to leave you a message.....

    I am holding you and your mom close.

    Love to you both,


  4. AnneMarie,

    Thank you for your care and kind thoughts.

    Sending Love back



Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.