Saturday, March 04, 2023

Lynparza Ups And Downs

​Good morning. Feeling unsure but placing all of this in God’s hands. We are in Lent and my inner joy is growing! I’ve been coping with ovarian cancer for over a decade and am very blessed to have been granted this time. I am needed right now by someone and am grateful to God that I can be helpful. Financial stress is huge right now but it’s not eliminating my joy. I still have an apartment, so I’m happy. 

I had to take a break from Lynparza due to neutropenia and anemia. My CA125 creeped up a little and I have more pain. I’m now on a modified dosing schedule and pray I can maintain myself with that. I love my new oncologist.

My prior adverse reaction to a bone marrow stimulant has made me very leary of it’s use but appearantly you can have doses of it when prescribed oral treatments, you just need to hold oral meds on the day of the injection. So intervention with gsf is reserved for emergency only as it caused my RA to flare badly, I don’t know why. Sigh. 

Missing my Marilyn so much! Home feels empty without her.  Thank you for listening.  



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