Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Wrong Diagnosis On CT Order And Radiology Report

​Bladder Dome Tumor increasing in size.  Wrong DIAGNOSIS on CT order for today.  WRONG diagnosis on radiology report.  What I had to go through to get a corrective addendum is completely unacceptable!!!! 

I have a new medical oncologist and mistakes are already happening.  I am going to go insane or dive into a severe depression.  I can't take any more medical errors!!!!!!!!!!! I missed an entire year of potential treatment to knock back my ovarian cancer mets, when it had not spread as much, because the radiologist did not write down all the correct information Feb of 2021! Now I have no idea what will work.

My psychologist is trying to find me a counselor who does EMDR therapy for PTSD.  I contacted one last week, no reply.

My new oncologist told me (re: incomplete radiology reports) at my first visit with him  'it happens all the time'.  I said that was wrong and there was no response. 

Today I did my part to be on time and be still for the CT scan and ONCE again there was an error.  I do not trust the scan report because the radiologist was looking for breast cancer, which I don't have (praise God).  I asked for a new radiology read with a different radiologist and I was given a phone number to call.  

I see my new oncologist Friday and am scheduled for Taxol. He needs time to get to know my case but the wrong diagnosis on an order is absolutely not acceptable under any circumstances  What the heck is going on where I get cancer care?  

The 'wrong diagnosis' could have been written incorrectly by an assistant but how did that significant mistake go unnoticed by layers of professionals???? The radiologist was comparing today's scan to on in Feb 2022 and NOWHERE on that report or anywhere on my chart does it say I have breast cancer.  I have ovarian cancer.

If I want any credible care I would have to move! I can't drive back and forth to Loveland (if I were to go to MD Anderson) from Englewood, it's too long. I am too tired to make that drive for each treatment, let alone other unexpected visits. 

I cannot tolerate PARP inhibitors because they cause me serious bad side effects. Zejula was a terrible drug for me. I never should have agreed to try it. 

I have no idea how fast cancer is growing because my previous team screwed up so badly, then punished me for getting angry about their mistake. I want more time for Taxol or try Gemzar again. 

How am I supposed to feel?  Am I going to get punished for being upset today?  I ask anyone to be neutral about having the wrong diagnosis on the CT order and radiology report and that is tooooooooo much to ask of anyone. I need lots of prayers and can I please please please receive proper medical care?

I think my previous team should pay my bills and pay relocation costs to get better care at a reputable cancer center and pay my living expenses!  What did I do to them to receive such bad care?

This blog is all I have. They are killing me.

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