Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Trump Administration and the Environment — Heed the Science — NEJM

The Trump Administration and the Environment — Heed the Science — NEJM: Medicine and Society from The New England Journal of Medicine — The Trump Administration and the Environment — Heed the Science

"The quality of the environment is an important determinant of population health. The key stakeholder here is the public, which aspires to have a cleaner, healthier environment. Gallup poll data show continued public concern about the environment, a preference for environmental quality over economic growth, and a majority belief that climate change is a “real problem.”23 In many ways, Trump’s campaign rhetoric on the environment recalled that of Ronald Reagan in 1980. But by the time of his 1984 reelection bid, Reagan had replaced his initial EPA leadership with leaders supportive of environmental goals; their accomplishments would include removal of lead from gasoline and the first EPA funding for studies related to global climate change. The Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank, opposed Reagan’s warming toward the EPA but argued that his initial EPA leadership had been mistaken in reducing scientific efforts and that evidence was necessary for intelligent approaches to environmental management.24 The new administration would do well to take that lesson to heart." 

As a whole-life democrat, dedicated champion for women's gynecological cancer-care needs, supporter of life from conception to natural death, as #servivorgirl, I support wholeheartedly the New England Journal of Medicine's position piece against the Trump administration's proposed EPA budget cuts.  Our President is willfully making decisions and supporting legislation that will directly hurt the environment, cost jobs and hurt the health of the people in America. He is all about the money honey.

Even if you have not experienced cancer you can understand that the environment can and often does cause some forms of cancer, as well as many other illnesses. It is safe to project that our air, our water, our food sources and sources of sustenance for wildlife will become more toxic. The increase in toxicity will increase cancer rates as well as the number of people with other environmental related illness, which will increase the burden on healthcare and increase the population of people with an inability to work full time.  This will hurt our future, our children and our children's children.

It will ultimately cost more to deal with the consequences of Trump's EPA recommendations and his goal of saving money in the budget will all be for not.

Please share this article with your friends, especially those who do not believe in climate change.  They need to see that Trump's administration is making a serious mistake.

Thank you,

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