Thursday, June 09, 2016

Energy Conservation: Its A Family Thing (or should be)

When I worked as an occupational therapist, several decades ago, one of the founding principals of maintaining independence with chronic illness was implementation of energy conservation techniques into one's daily life.  That would mean showing a patient how to complete an activity using less energy.  Back in the early 1990s it seemed a lot easier to talk about and incorporate these kinds of things into one's lifestyle because at that time our culture was not so focused on technological multi-tasking.  I miss the old days of giving 100% of my attention and energy to one thing, finishing that and moving to the next thing.

Multi-tasking is very exhausting and unfortunately for those of us in chronic states of fatigue, such as from cancer and its treatments, trying to keep up can be overwhelming.  When I am out in public, say at the store, I can sense the frustration from the person behind me in the check out line if I am not swiping my card fast enough or if I am moving my cart too slow.  Everyone else is running circles around me.  I want them to slow down and enjoy the day.  I want them to be more at ease and they probably want to slow down too.....but they can't because our culture demands that we do fifteen thousand things at once to be more productive.

So because cancer is a family thing, sometimes treatment can be a family thing as well.  In the case of conserving energy I highly recommend that anyone who may be directly involved with supporting your care learn about energy conservation as well.  It could benefit them by helping them conserve their own energy and also have more patience with changes.

I found a helpful this link about managing energy related to cancer fatigue:

Cancer Related Fatigue

Here is a scholarly article that may be of interest about energy conservation research:

This all came to mind as a result of time spent on job searching.  I want to try working part time again, maybe starting at 10 hours per week. It would greatly help me with my living expenses.

My last part time job was very stressful and every second of my time was incorporated into a productivity metric. Companies nowadays are not enthused about letting employees pace themselves...ha.   I just cannot work in that kind of setting.

I am in treatment and will forever be in treatment.  Sustaining basic living will at some point be impossible unless I go into remission and regain a normal level of energy.  I trust in God that He has planned for me good things and as long as I keep Him in front I know I will be OK.

Today is a good day.

God Bless you

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