Wednesday, January 27, 2016

My Little Happys Today: Soap And Video Of Ebey Trails By Joe Hendricks

Merry Christmas Soap by Servivorgirl

It was a thrill to make some delightful soaps for our church during December. I am preparing for a future wherein making soap is a regular part of my day. Soap making is so fun, it takes me away from day to day worries. My little earthly escape to supplement my journey with God.  The creative process allows me to listen to God, in a way.  I am not distracted by chatter and can focus on bringing out the goodness in my heart.  I love sharing this with others.  

My Servivorgirl brand is developing now, organically.  The members of the parish who took my bars were all very pleased.  I did not sell them, I just made them as part of a special celebration to honor the Solemnity of the Holy Family.  It also rewarded me because I had an opportunity to practice this craft and learn more about mixing oils, fragrance and micas.

My ultimate goal is to create special soaps for those who are suffering, to lift a spirit and give a smile.     Please be patient as I work on my platform and hopefully I will be able to sell some of these little gems in the future. 

And now for a quick getaway from my friend Joe Hendricks.  He is a true friend and delight, faithful to the Lord and the environment.  He had lost his wife to breast cancer several years ago and spends his time hiking in the Pacific Northwest.  His friendly and exciting YouTube channel provides another kind of escape, taking a beautiful look into the remote treasures of Washington State.

Please pay a visit to my friend Joe.  You will not be disappointed.  

I pray you are well today, my readers.  Keep smiling and keep your faith!

God Bless you.



  1. Love ya Denise, you are such an inspiration!

    1. Hi Joe! Right back to you as well! Thank you for all of your friendship and care. Peace and Blessings...


Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.