Saturday, October 04, 2014

The Male Side Of Breast Cancer

The colors on the wheel go round and round......round and round......round and round.

Before I begin my posts for October I want to thank "Curves" of Crown Hill, in Seattle Washington.  The owner of this franchise graciously allowed me to bring in gynecological awareness handouts created by the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.  "Curves" was hosting an open house and I had some table time with many members while distributing valuable information about gynecological cancer awareness, and my story with ovarian cancer.

We utilized the information found on the CDC "Inside Knowledge" Campaign and I am pleased to report that many women stated that this information was very helpful.  This way they not only learned about ovarian cancer, but all the major potential symptoms of gynecological cancers.

I was pleased to do this and hopefullly a few more women will be able to work more effectively with their physicians, should they have a concern in the future.  It also brought to the surface an opportunity for several women to talk about either their own or another's battle with some form of cancer.  

Thank you "Curves".  I also decided to become a member.  The program is not hard on my smaller joints (currently in a bit of trouble due to RA) and I really need the extra support.  I am finding this program comfortable, adaptable and most of all, FUN!  I will post progress, if it's good.  Ha!

Now to Men's Breast Health:

To start October off I thought it would be important to incorporate some information about hereditary breast cancer, in men.  My search landed me on a very thorough and educational article written in Medical News Today. 

Men are not likely to see themselves as potential breast cancer patients.  They can and do get breast cancer.  We can see that men all over the country do support this cause. Most men probably never considered that wearing pink can help them too.  Please share......

Quote from Medical News Today....

'It is vital for everyone to be breast aware'

"Women are encouraged to frequently check their breasts for any abnormalities, such as lumps, discharge from the nipple or changes in appearance or texture. And although many men may not be aware of it, they should do the same.
The most common signs of breast cancer in men are lumps or swelling in the breast or lymph node areas, dimpling or puckering of the skin, nipple retraction, nipple discharge and scaling or redness of the nipple or surrounding skin."

Peace and blessings,

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