Friday, July 25, 2014

Power Morcellation Can Spread Hidden Tumors (considering a hysterectomy?)

The Dangers of Power Morcellation: This information is from the Recall Center about the dangers using power morcellators for hysterectomies.The link pasted below from The New York Times shares important research about the dangers of this procedure.

Ladies beware, please read.

  • What is a Power Morcellator? A device used in hysterectomies to cut tissue into small pieces to be removed from the body. However, uterine cancers sometimes go undetected prior to the procedure. In these cases, the morcellator dices up and spreads unsuspected cancer inside the woman's body.

  • Hysterectomy is the 2nd most common surgery among women in the United States

  • By age 70, one out of three American women will have had a hysterectomy

  • 90% of these surgeries are done to remove Fibroids (non-cancerous tumors found in the uterus)

  • The average life span following accidental morcellation of sarcoma is only 24-36 months

  • Only 15% of women who have leiomyosarcoma (LMS) that has spread (stage 4) will be alive after 5 years

  • Women with sarcoma who are morcellated are about 4 times more likely to die from sarcoma than if they had not been morcellated

We have some great information about the device and it's dangers on our Power Morcellator page.

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