Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Time For A Positive Post

I had a very good day at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.  I almost didn't get there because I slept until noon.   I fell right back asleep when I got back home from treatment around 6 pm and slept until 11pm.  I am hydrating and eating, feeling sleepy again.

I don't know, maybe when you get cancer you feel more of everything after a while.  I care deeply about the happiness of others.

I was filled with so much gratitude to have access to medical care today.  

I am praying for the government to be running now and for the Affordable Care Act to move forward.  We can always work to adjust problems, but lets get started.

Thank you God for my health team.



  1. I am so sorry about the fatigue and admire you so much for getting the nutrition and fluids you need! It must be so hard at times to rouse the energy to make a meal..

    1. Hi Joe,

      So sweet of you to check in. I slept til 5pm on the 10th. Ready to go back to sleep now...thought maybe I could stay up....too hard.

      I got some soap making supplies for Heidi sorry it took so long.

      Hope you are well....


Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.