Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Angelina Jolie, An Angel On Earth

In the wee hours of the morning I learned of how one of the most selfless and beautiful women in the world has once again served mankind.  This is about mankind because we know not the true statistics of the men and women with BRCA mutations in the world.  For the first time in many days I have finally felt safer, like a milestone for advocacy has been achieved.  Finally we find that a woman with great international influence has brought to our attention, most for the first time, one of the most predictive variables for getting  ovarian cancer and/or breast cancer.

She has shared with the world that she underwent a prophylactic double mastectomy. She carries the BRCA1 mutation, that significantly increases a person's risk for getting breast and ovarian cancer.

It is baffling beyond belief that the Myriad testing for BRCA mutations is so costly.  My first opportunity to get the testing was denied by my previous insurance company, after my diagnosis and providing information that there is a history of breast cancer in my family.  Just one of many muck ups in California, crazy.

In Seattle, I was approved for the testing and now there is the potential to drastically reduce the risk of ovarian and breast cancer for other people in my family.  I have one of the BRCA mutations.

Remember too that males can get breast cancer.  Young girls can get ovarian cancer.  Because ovarian cancer comes at you sideways, like a stealthy leopard on the hunt, many doctors do not hear or see the symptoms as potentially cancerous .

It saddens me deeply that Angelina's mom suffered with ovarian cancer.  It is a very painful process, to go from cancer.

Sometimes I think too much and pray that if this takes me, I am in a coma.

Humor but not really.

Angelina has stated that the testing should be affordable, and I could not agree more.

Imagine the impact if women had a choice to be proactive and dramatically reduce the risk of getting one or both of these cancers.  It can be a screening tool.  I would bet all I have that the percentages are more than what is stated.  This knowledge could be invaluable to a woman who may be considering postponing childbirth, it would help her to start her family earlier in life.  It could save her life.

God Bless you Angelina Jolie for allowing all of us to hear your story.  You are saving lives!  Yes, you are an angel here on earth.  I thank God that you and Brad Pitt are so generous, so beautiful inside and out.  People will listen. May you always be blessed with good health.

Here is a link to one of the many articles from today.
aka Servivorgirl

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