Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fantastic doctor appointment

After being up most of the night with worries, I was able to come home today from my appointment and take a long nap.

I saw my wonderful gynoc today and received excellent news.  She can't see any cancer for now, Yay Yay Yay.  I went in early for a chest/abdom/pelvic CT scan and blood test, as part of my usual 6 month routine.

Because of the ongoing abdominal issues, I was concerned that cancer may be returning, especially since I still sleep almost 12 hours per day.

She spoke to those issues and said that I just need to keep exercising, and keep doing more, because I am getting better.

I distinctly remember that my overwhelming joy today was so different from my emotion this time last year.  Last year I was cautious, numb from chemo, super tired, and really couldn't believe I had made it.  NOW, I am here with great results and plan to cherish each precious moment God gives me.

Even though the vocational testing indicates me to be cognitively challenged right now, I am going to do all I can to get my brain back together and working well. 

But at the end of the day, if today is how the rest of my life goes, I am the luckiest person on earth.

Thank you God for bringing me my doctor and family and friends to help me survive the incredible challenge of ovarian cancer.  I will post more on this, I just wanted to get the exciting news out.

Peace, Love and God Bless



  2. Great news Denise! So glad to hear it!

  3. Barb, Teri and Tammy, wow. Thank you so much for your support. I am pretty happy. You are all so wonderful, thank you again! Yay.

  4. Rock on, sista. I love the SCCA guys when they tell us we're NED. Actually, I love them anyway-they are the best.

  5. Hey J,
    Love the SCCA!!!!!! Thanks for checking in.

  6. That's AWESOME!! I can tell you have a great medical team!

    And I know what you mean - we both get nervous with any discomfort in the areas we have cancer.

    Blessings, Joe

  7. Dee and Joe, thank you for chiming in. I pray for all of us to be on a constant journey to heal. Peace and God Bless


Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.