Saturday, March 26, 2011

Changing The Way Ovarian Tumors are Treated-Ovarian Cancer- Clearity -

Changing The Way Ovarian Tumors are Treated-Ovarian Cancer- Clearity -

Please take a moment to view this article and The Clearity Foundation's website. I pray I don't have a recurrence, but if I do, I plan to seek their help. They can help ovarian cancer patients receive a more customized medication based on the tumor's blueprint, better matching us with the right clinical trial. This is so much better than "hit and miss" based on generalized research. I am so happy to have been routed to this informationl.


  1. This is wonderful:
    " Insurance companies cover some of the cost (which can reach $10,000), and Clearity pays the rest with donated funds."


  2. Joe,
    Thanks for your comment. It's so hard to find these great organizations sometimes.

  3. Wow, that is truly amazing! My mom has been battling ovarian cancer (BRCA1+) for 9 years now (4 years longer than most people are given!) and is in remission. The thing is, the chemo and radiation have kept it at bay, but we know it's just a matter of time until it comes back. It's reassuring to know that advances are being made to help with ovarian cancer. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank goodness for Laura and the Clearity Foundation. You are our champion Denise! Just look at all you're doing for yourself and so many others.

  5. Teri, thanks for sharing your mom's wonderful success and I pray it never returns. Take care and Peace.

    Mandy, Thank you sis! I hope I'm doing something good here. I know I can do more and do better. You are an inspiration to me! Peace


Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.