Saturday, January 01, 2011

Joyous Year ahead for 2011

At least for this we pray............what a great idea "happy new year".  Well I am hopeful for an even better 2011.  That's about the best I can do, for a resolution maker I am not.  Plus, I'm starting it off with a cold and was in bed by 10pm.  I did get to have fun watching Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper do their fun little show.  I think they should get together.......despite any rumors about AC.  I think he's fabulously handsome. 

They make the perfect couple.

Anyway, onto more serious topics, like LIVING.  Having been graced with the opportunity to talk with a few friends over New Years Eve really brightened my day and reminded me that friends can be the cornerstone for living long healthy lives.

My mom and I were talking about this for most of the day.  The most important loss she has sustained in moving to Seattle was the loss of close friends to "be with".  Seattle is not an easy place to get to know new people.  Everyone's covered from head to toe in rain gear, and running.  It's hecka heck to drive around out here, it's like living in a maze.  A lot of effort goes into planning a car trip across town, just a drag.  So it's hard to meet new people,

I go to Church and for the most part I relish in the opportunity to say hello, offer Peace, and be surrounded with a strong sense of community.  It lifts me to talk with God in his house.  Not everyone goes to church though, not everyone wants to go to a community center, or support group.  Somehow though, someway, we must find more ways to create meaningful healthy relationships with others, others who really do care.

The whole "It takes a village" thing is true.  AND, when we are receivers, we also need to be givers.  Maybe not all at the same time, but it's healing to be giving.  I always find ways to give with prayer when I am ill.  But I want to do more.  All of us can give with our prayers.

I really want to engage in a non-profit or start a non-profit to help women with ovarian cancer.  Maybe it will hone in on the needs of single women.  Single women who get cancer are really in a challenging place because although she may have good family and friends to help, the constant "partner" isn't there by her side to help with the details and daily things that are personal.

When you have cancer, sometimes all you want is just someone to hold you for a while. 

That being said, my hope is that for you the year 2011 brings riches in friends, family, jobs and community.  May the Lord Bless your home with Love and Peace.

Happy New Year,

1 comment:

  1. Denise, I was fortunate enough to get assistance from a non-profit group called Singleton Moms. They provide services to single parents with cancer- financially, with meal delivery, housekeeping, rides to and from chemo/radiation, etc. They are based out of Phoenix, Arizona, and their website is

    I know you can also check with The Wellness Community or Gilda's Club in Seattle for information or agencies that have those kinds of services. Bless you for wanting to give so much. Have a healthful new year!



Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.