Thursday, January 20, 2011

Breast health and voc rehab update

Today I went to the SCCA for a thorough breast exam.  The results were good, the nurse practitioner found no unusual bumps or issues.  Next appointment should be around March, to include a mammogram.  She asked me if I was ready to discuss prophylactic mastectomy due to the BRCA1+ mutation.  I'm not ready yet for that, that's all I could say.  For now I'm just grateful to be without noticeable change, and free to forget about it for a few months.

I saw State DVR rep yesterday.  We also had a representative from Harborview Med Center there, to talk with me about a comprehensive vocational evaluation.  The CVE will be a better test than working in the community for a few weeks under constant supervision with constant testing.  I am so relieved.

Next week I will begin the testing, starting next Wed afternoon.  It'll take 3 - 4 hours to complete the first part of the test.

I don't know too much what to expect, but do have a general idea of what it could be due to my own work history.

This is a hard week for my cancer friends, several going back in hospital, and two on home hospice.  Things seem to turn so quickly in cancerland.  Even when you are well, suddenly from nowhere it comes again.

Please pray for them and pray for my mom, that her kidneys recover and that her diabetes stabilizes.

I love my family so much.  My brother and sister are rocks........My aunt and uncle beach rocks.....


1 comment:

  1. I am really sorry you have to face this SCCA discussion/recommendation! ..and glad you are giving yourself some time.


Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.