Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The holidays

Merry Christmas everyone.  This is the time of year for joy, love, forgiveness and peace.  This Christmas season is so different from last year, and I'm glad.  I get to enjoy shopping.  I also get to reflect more on God's blessings.  My online ovarian cancer group lost another sister today, so sad.  The grace is that she is at peace, and no longer in pain.

Everyday we lose a dear sister, it's just so difficult to understand sometimes.  I feel a thousand emotions all the time.

For me, I am really wanting to make the most of it.  I'm putting more thought into my little gifts and really really praying that everyone just has fun.  I want to hear more laughter than ever before.  I am so lucky that I have such an amazing family.  By the way, I was happy to send Christmas cards to my surgeon, oncologist and favorite chemo nurse.  I didn't get to do that last year, I was too out of it, really.  If you know someone on Chemo, offer to help them with cards and thank will really help them.

I have four doctors appointments in the next 5 day run.  I will find out tomorrow the results of my latest CA125. I will also see my psychologist on Friday for the first time.  Monday I get my hearing checked and have another appointment with vocational rehab.  I'm very fortunate to have these opportunities.

I finally got my new glasses, which I really needed. I couldn't read a book without a magnifying glass....sigh.

I'll be posting more as we get closer to Christmas and fill you in on the results of my appointments.

My main message today is that we only have a few days left before we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Everyone in the world needs to have a chance to smile and feel true love.  Jesus does love us all, and allow Him to comfort you during this time of great celebration.

God's Blessings to all!

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Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.