Saturday, September 26, 2009


Today will be a very blessed day. This morning I saw my brother off to Seattle. He flew in from Colorado last night and is driving my car to Seattle today. Then this afternoon my sister is flying in from Seattle and on Wednesday we will fly to Seattle together. It was so hard to say goodbye to my brother, Arnie. I hadn't seen him in forever, it was too short of a visit. It was soooo good to spend time with him. I have a great brother. I have a great sister too. Mandy will be helping me wrap up final details. My ex-boyfriend Craig will be travelling with his son on a future date to move the rest of my "stuff" to Seattle.

It has been trying to sort and pack and go daily to the doctors office. I just had a chemo treatment this past Wednesday, and am wiped. The lingering abdominal pain from surgery really gets in my way, but each day it's teeny tiny bit less.

One struggle I wasn't expecting was an argument with my previous gynecologist (not my surgeon). We'll call him Dr. P. I had been seeing this gynecologist (Dr. P) since March. He did not do a pelvic exam on my initial visit. I guess it's fair to say I kindof blame him for now, but blame will not heal me. The argument came as a result of me being denied a copy of my "complete" file. They originally mailed a partial copy of my medical records. When I called two days ago to get a complete copy, they refused. So I literally had to go into his office after my lab appointment, and demand the copy face to face. I had to call the Department of Managed Care right on the spot, just to get them to agree. I have never been refused a complete copy of my medical records by any doctor, ever. His refusal to cooperate only makes him look guilty, he knows he could be held responsible.

I am not saying that I have legitimate grounds for charges, but I do want him to think hard about my case. I want him to be more alert when he does his future examinations and be more attentive to the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer. His staff acted like they don't even care, and all they cared about was that I was "rude" for demanding my records. It's as if they truly could have cared less about me as a person, that's scary.

So our words of wisdom here are, if you are not feeling like your doctor cares at all, and if you can switch doctors, do it. I really believe that their level of quality care is to the extent that they and the staff care about you as a patient and a person. This guy didn't care.

So now I am off to Seattle, starting a new life, being with family and have a chance to start over with new doctors. I will make every effort I can to help them care about me as a person, I need them to care.

Thank you Mike and Pier for picking my brother up from the airport and thanks Barb for helping me get the car packed. Thanks Craig for taking me to chemo again and for helping me get my posessions to Seattle. Thank you Mandy for flying out here and being with me these last few days. I love you all!

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Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.