Saturday, September 12, 2009

answering prayers

Well, this is a note dedicated to Mandy and Pat, for they were the ones who worked tirelessly searching for insurance. Well, we may have struck oil on this and I am eternally grateful to my sister and her husband, for I could not have done that work.

My surgery had me so incapacitated, they had to do the legwork for me and now I don't have to worry about trying to find a way to receive chemotherapy in northern California. We received an acceptance letter, but need to wrap up details, so it's 99% complete!

I don't want to jinx this by giving away details. I have been in a stupor since yesterday. I am shocked, excited beyond belief and sketptical all at the same time.

I believe that I am on a river, in a well guided canoe, and we are coming upon rough waters, but after those waters lies a calm flow, where I can gently rest upon the shore. I am not in control of this canoe, it is God. I believe this to be true, fully in my heart and soul because every step of the way of this journey has caused me to demonstrate resistence to all these changes, enough that would make anyone want to quit on me.

My family has stuck with me and prayed. My friends, old and new, are praying. Members of my church are praying, and of course I am praying. I pray mostly for those who have to deal with my emotions, which are everywhere.

I thank God and Mandy and Pat for this critical component of my recovery. I am so excited that I can be with them and my mother, and get through chemo with support.

God wants me in Seattle, that's all I can say.

Thank you all for your support. I start chemo on Monday, just a light dose, so I should be fine. I guess we'll see. My brother is coming in a few weeks, can't wait to see Arnie. Yeah! And then Mandy and I will be on a plane.

I'm nervous and excited. My life is literally starting over. Thank you again!


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Thank you for giving to me your precious time. I look forward to what you have to say. Peace and Blessings, Always.