Wednesday, August 19, 2009

insurance woes

I saw my oncologist today. He gave me three handouts: Carboplatin, Paclitaxel, Cisplatin. My chemo is not covered in Seattle, per my insurance. I need to have family with me because my chemo is harsh, requiring 3-4 days of hospitalization for each treatment. He has scheduled a bone marrow biopsy in two weeks and wants me to start chemo as soon as possible. But without family, I cannot tolerate the side effects. My family is critical for my improvement and my insurance company is denying me the ability to be with my family while on chemo.

We have exhausted all family resources and nobody in my family can come to Folsom/Sacramento and take care of me when I am on chemo. What am I going to do? Why does the insurance company care if they are paying for Seattle care or Sacramento care? It might even be cheaper in Seattle.

I am so depressed. My CA125 pre-surgery was over 2700 points. Now it's 241 points. I only need to get it to less than 20. Surgery did so much, I just need a little more treatment.

My insurance is Western Health Advantage. I guess they receive top ratings each year but I have no idea why. I can't believe that I am the only patient who lives away from family and needs chemo.

In the mean time, my lease expires September 30, 2009. I will have to go to Seattle. I am devastated about the insurance. I was really hoping they would at least consider providing me coverage. I can't do chemo alone.

As I recover, I am going to do everything I can to improve my nutrition and overall health, so to eliminate anything that could exaccerbate my ovarian cancer.

For more information on Ovarian Cancer go to

God Bless

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