Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Hoping Radiation Therapy Helps

​Hi.  I hope you are well.  

I had Gemcitabine and MVASI Thursday (24th) and ended up in the ER on the 25th.  My new gynonc was able to figure out dosing for both Gemcitabine and Granix, thankfully.  My regimine has required me to take a morphine pill after my Granix on Fridays.  It renders me to bed by 6:00 on Fridays. We changed out Morphine this week to Tramedol because I cannot tolerate morphine side effects. But if I don’t avert bone pain from Granix I end up crawling on floor, unable to walk and my spinal cord feels like it is on fire. My new gynonc has made it possible to get Gemcitabine, which was the only recent chemotherapy that lowered my cancer markers.

FYI:  Gcmcitabine can cause extreme drops in cell counts and platelets.  It can also cause severe kidney problems. It causes severe fatigue. 

This past treatment on the 24th caused me extreme right torso pain and unbelievable nausea, awful taste in mouth, fevers.  It hurt to walk.  I barely made it into the hospital. I was advised by my gynonc to go to ER (I called Friday). 

My gynonc is in Greeley and I get my Granix in Parker.  This is the only way I can get treatments unless I go back to the doctors that provided bad care.  PTSD!!!!!

On Friday I received my very important Granix. The nurse thankfully accessed my power port and they subsequently escorted me into the ED, which was literally down the hall.  I didn’t trust ED to understand all that has happened, which was why I got my granix shot/port access first.  The port allows them to draw labs and administer meds without multiple jabs in into my arm.

I am hoping these details help you understand the complexities of cancer care, especially if things go poorly after a treatment. I wanted them to admit me bit I guess I was not sick enough.  They were kind, that mattered a great deal.

The result of CT scanning and lab work showed severe UTI, large amounts of blood in the urine. They gave one dose of IV antibiotic and some fluids and a Tramedol.  It made very little difference. Sent me home with a blanket and a prescription to pick up.

Saturday my friend Pat picked up my prescription (he is my best friend from church).  My cousin brought food and her visit with me cheered me up.

The past 5 days have been agony.  Today I was instructed to call a service named Dispatch Health to give me fluids, antibiotics and anti-nausea at home.  I have barely eaten and am barely drinking water. My nausea is interfering with my antibiotic plan.  I have meds for nausea but they are not working very well.

Hoping I feel a little better tomorrow.

REASON THIS IS SCARY: I have a bladder dome tumor (mets) that is growing.  This is the tumor that was visible on a scan Feb 2021 but the radiologist missed it. It was there, he MISSED IT. My complaints got squashed. The tumor was noted to have “grown since last scan” in Fed 2022.  I was outraged of course.  Now I am just defeated. I don’t understand why you have to die to take a doctor to court.

Currently the blood in my urine is also sign that bladder dome mets is expanding to other parts of urinary system. It is also a side effect of Gemcitabine.  

I would not be in this boat if the radiologist would have noted the smaller tumor back in 2021.

So please pray that this episode is stricly bad side effect of Gemcitabine and not a sign of increasing bladder cancer. The CT report from the 25th states that my bladder dome tumor is larger than this past May.

I can’t work unless I work from home.  I’m too sick.


