Saturday, May 07, 2022

This You Shall Know

​This is the weekend we honor the women who give birth, adopt, mother us and love us. We are forever connected to them, eternally bonded. I was hoping to get to Kansas and visit my mom's grave site. I deeply miss her, why? Because of her love. She knew me, not as much as Jesus knows me, but she knew my heart. I miss you mom, love you and know the day that God brings me home is the day I see you again! ❤️

This is also an historical moment for enwombed children to be lifted in joy, not burden. We as a society must do all we can to love mothers and enable them to nurture the child within. All human life deserves dignity at all stages of life, birth and death. Let's do more for Love, not hate.

I wrote a poem about a child, their life, their death and the great gift of God's eternal Love, Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness. May this inspire you to think more deeply about these tender members of the human race who have a purpose yet to be seen but given by Love and God himself. Love and Bless you!

This You Shall Know