Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Celebrating 10 Years

This week marks the anniversary of 10 years since my ovarian cancer diagnosis and surgery. Wow!  If someone would have told me that I would still be here, 10 years later, I really would not have believed them.  I have been spending a lot of quiet time lately reflecting on this past decade.

My mom, my sister (and her family), my brother, my father, my aunt, my friends Barb and Craig, and my doctors are the people who carried me for the first few years after that painful time.  My life was literally uprooted. I was without any control, real or imagined.  My faith in God was never in doubt but I quickly realized that what I thought I knew about His plan for me was completely wrong. I never lost my love for Him, I adore Him with all of my being!

At this point in my life I am more peaceful, because I know that eternity is real.  My mom is in heaven and I am yearning for time with her.  I miss her so much it hurts sometimes.  Comfort comes from knowing that she is truly with Jesus, she is safe, she is joyful, she is at peace.

Since my diagnosis I have met some amazing people, forged new and lasting friendships, endeavored in a completely unexpected direction by starting a cancer ministry, and have reconnected with precious friends from long ago.  I have also sadly suffered losses of relationships with people whom I love and hold dear to my heart.  My body is broken but my spirit is strong.

I am grateful for this rickety body, ha!  It doesn't work how I want it to but my heart and soul know that Glory awaits for us all, if we want to accept it.

I pray for you and ask you pray for me.  Please pray for our cancer ministry, Facing Our Immortality.  Please pray for my family, my friends, my doctors, our ministry's religious sisters and my sweet kit kat Marilyn. Pray for each other and ask God to help you.  Develop a relationship with Him so that you don't feel alone.  He loves you.  

Thank you for taking time to catch up with me today.  I hope that you can find joy in your days and your life. Thank you for caring.

Peace and Blessings to you and yours.
