Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Johnson And Johnson: Talcum Powder And Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit

Johnson and Johnson has been proven to have known that talcum powder was linked to ovarian cancer and the company did not warn consumers. WOW.  For those of us with ovarian cancer this is sad news, big news, angering news......stunning.  For me personally I don't yet know what to make of it.  
I used baby powder in my teens, 20s, 30s and 40s.  I never knew it was actually dangerous.  How many products actually have talcum powder?  Is it on or in most feminine hygiene products?  It is not a surprise that any company would hide this kind of evidence or information from consumers when their bottom line is threatened, especially cash cow products like baby powder or the infamous "Shower to Shower".  I worry about young women and teens especially.  Being a female takes a lot of work when it comes to hygiene, it just does.  Powders were supposed to be helpful, not harmful.  Wow, this is devastating in so many ways. 

God Bless the Fox family for being persistent with their lawsuit against Johnson and Johnson.  
I am linking two articles today that show some details or links to important research for your benefit.  We are learning together.  
1.The Fort Worth Legal Examiner: 
"J&J Slammed in Baby Powder Death Lawsuit"
Shezad Malik MD JD February 23, 2016 2:49 PM
2.Medscape author Nick Mulcahy:
"J&J Must Pay $72 Million in Talc Powder-Ovarian Cancer Case"
Nick Mulcahy February 23, 2016
Quote from In 1982, Dr Cramer was the lead author of the first study ever to link talc use with ovarian cancer. He has since been involved in multiple studies on the association, the latest of which was published just a few months ago (EpidemiologyPublished online December 17, 2015). He also testified at the Johnson & Johnson trial as a paid expert witness.
"I'm still absorbing the news," Dr Cramer said today. "A feeling of vindication is tempered by the realization that thousands of women continued to use talc products and died of ovarian cancer after my first study in 1982."
Peace and Blessings
Denise Archuleta

#ovariancancer #TalcumPowder #whoknew #ovariancancer

Monday, February 22, 2016

Retreat For Women With Cancer September 2016

Hello Ladies,

I am making an early announcement about the 2016 Retreat for Women with cancer at the Our Lady of Corpus Christi Retreat Center.  Last year we formed a strong bond with each other and Christ that gives us strength to continue to endure a life facing cancer or the 
potential return of cancer.  

Please link here OUR LADY OF CORPUS CHRISTI RETREAT CENTER  for information.   The retreat schedules are along the left hand side of the webpage.  

I will be there to assist the Sisters with this retreat and am filled with great comfort knowing we will all be together again.  If you are interested I would love to hear from you.  

God Bless you and may you feel the love of Christ as you live with cancer.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Martin Truex Jr. Foundation

The words of Martin Truex Jr. on ovarian cancer, and how the love of his life, Sherry Pollex, lived through treatment.  He calls it "The Fight of Our Lives"

"Since the Foundation started, we’ve been committed to helping children beat cancer. With the addition of ovarian cancer, we are raising awareness and asking women to be their own health advocates — to listen to their bodies and understand the symptoms of a pelvic mass and its relation to ovarian cancer. I never thought I would get a crash course in women’s anatomy and use my time in NASCAR talking about my girlfriend’s ovaries, but that’s life, and it’s what we’re doing. Honestly, there’s no way to really understand what cancer can do to someone or to a family unless you’ve lived through it and seen it firsthand." 
 Martin Truex Jr. of "The Players" posted on Facebook  02-15-16

I want to thank Martin Truex Jr and Sherry Pollex for allowing their personal experience and celebrity to raise awareness of ovarian cancer.  So much has been accomplished since my initial surgery but there is much more work to be done.

Your campaign helps everyone, patients, researchers and physicians alike.

Please share their pages to raise awareness.

God Bless you both.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Out-Of-The-Box Thinking from M.I.T. and Global-Cures.Org

Are you interested in an out-of-the-box idea for reducing early recurrence of cancer?

Here is a fascinating video from M.I.T. about a need for research on anti-inflammatory medications and their relationship in the prevention of early recurrence of cancer in people who have received cancer treatment.  I was fascinated by this video.  Please take the time to watch this You-Tube video.

As a person who also receives daily treatment for severe rheumatoid arthritis I find the idea of using anti-inflammatory medications as part of the treatment process very intriguing.  I wonder if having RA has somehow helped improve my longevity with ovarian cancer.  

There is no way to know this right now.  I have been on prednisone for years and was taking prednisone prior to my debulking surgery.  Encouraging!

Peace and Blessings to all.

Monday, February 08, 2016

#Livingwithcancer Memories New And Old. Go #Broncos

Happy Super Bowl 50

When I was a kid our family rallied around the Bronco games.  Watching the Broncos was consistently the one event our family did together for as long as we had season tickets.  My grandmother Archuleta lived near the stadium and one of us children or mom would get to go to the home games with dad.  We parked at grandma's, had a meal and walked to the stadium. Blizzard or no blizzard, we were there!

I think I went to Floyd Little's last game, not sure as some of the memories are kind of fuzzy.  If I focus I can still feel the weight and catch the aroma of dad's binoculars.  They had a new car smell, ha funny.  I remember lugging around blankets and freezing my butt off.  I even remember the people in front of us, sort of.  

Now the memories come across like viewing one big long documentary of our family.  I remember all the aunts, uncles, cousins and family friends coming over for chile or pot roast. Mom would cook up a storm.  My siblings and I got to invite friends over.

Grandma was always looking out for us as we walked back to the her humble apartment.  She would be standing in the doorway, behind the glass, anxiously waiting for us to safely return from the game. I remember people selling homemade burritos, tamales and tacos along the sidewalk.  Sometimes the walks back to grandma's home were so cold I could not even speak.  It was worth it.

Most of all I remember the blip of happiness that gave us all a little bump for the week. Something to look forward to as a family.

Well being in Seattle it has been difficult to always catch a Bronco game because I do not pay for sports cable.  I miss the days when you could watch the Broncos for free.  Ha.

I want to say that Super Bowl 50 was exciting, fun, and a great escape from day to day concerns.  I really was feeling grateful to be watching it!  I really was.  I remember a time when I would never have imagined being alive to watch Super Bowl 50.  To see Denver's beloved Broncos win this game was exhilarating.  I wanted to be back home with my family and friends to share in the joy.

My cat Marilyn was great company though.  She was not a big fan of my cheering but graciously hung in there until the end of the game.

Thank you Denver Broncos for giving me a great lift for the day.  Thank you for giving myself and the people in my family great memories.  

Congratulations John Elway and Peyton Manning.  

I plan to be around for Season 2016 and maybe I will get to see a game in Denver.  It is time for some serious cheer!

I hope my readers had fun enjoying the Broncos' win.  We all need our little happys!

God Bless you all.