Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Eyes Have It

I was riding on top of the double decker bus, the night sky was void of stars and moon.  I had been standing on my seat when the driver took a sharp turn. I was jolted back into my seat just as a bright flash shot like lightening across the sky.  

When we pulled into the camp we were met with women and children running and screaming.  Something had crashed into the stadium fields just down the road.

I was escorted off the bus to the main lodge where I took my post as hostess.  

During this dream I am asked to decorate the main lounge with a stuffed Christmas Tree.  Wierd. I see my mom's father and he is assigned to find out what has crashed in the stadium.  He smiles gently, gives me a hug, grabs my hand then slowly fades into the background. I love you Grandpa!

Next I find myself kneeling next to another very dear relative who has been brought inside for cover.  She is out of breath, restless but somewhat elated.  I am nervous because I do not know what to do.   One of the workers assures me that I am the right person to help because she trusts me.

I am terrified because she has two irises in each eye.  She says she can see me clearly.  She repeats over and over, "I stopped the medication and everything is clear now".  She just smiles and smiles, looking wondrous and happy.

Her eyes haunt me right now.  I want to know what that means...... two irises in each eye.  

Then I wake up.  It is just after noon.  I am supposed to get my Avastin at 1:00 pm.  Late again.  Thankfully they will take me later on.   I have had the worst time with being so deep in sleep/nightmares, not able to wake up.


So to lighten the mood I am sharing a video from my friend Joe Hendricks.  He is an expert hiker. He brings us to a peaceful place apart from daily troubles.

I encourage you to visit his You Tube site.  Joe lost his sweet Heidi to breast cancer.  He is a true inspiration for me.  Thank you Joe for bringing joy.

I am home from a treatment, relaxing here with my kit kat Marilyn. Counting my blessings and praying for those in harms way.

VIDEO LINK: A Hike With Joe

Peace and Blessings to all

aka #servivorgirl

Friday, June 13, 2014

More Research for BRCA Mutation Carriers

The latest research released by Penn Medicine further supports that much consideration needs to be done when contemplating risk reducing surgery to prevent ovarian cancer.  This information is geared towards women who have a mutation of BRCA1 or BRCA2. All women can benefit from these studies.

I am linking this article along with another article involving the relationship between the fallopian tube and ovarian cancer as well. The two articles provide an interesting perspective on how preventative surgery may be managed.  There is strong hope that removing only the fallopian tubes instead of ovaries AND fallopian tubes may be adequate protection from ovarian cancer.

In my personal opinion, had I known about my BRCA1 mutation at a younger age, and if we had this research available at that time, I may have considered just removing just my fallopian tubes in order to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.  The premature removal of our ovaries causes dramatic changes and if we can help to avert ovarian cancer with fewer negative side effects, more women would agree to undergo risk reducing surgery.

It is exciting to see that researchers are discovering more options to help prevent ovarian cancer.

Here is a link to a proof of concept study at MD Anderson on using salpingectomy with delayed oophorectomy:

If you are positive for one of the mutations, and have not had risk reducing surgery, please review these articles. They are meaty, but worth your time.

Thank you to my cousin for sending me this very important information from Penn Medicine!

Peace and Blessings!

aka #servivorgirl

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Survey Respondents Needed

Detailed Ovarian Cancer survey respondents needed!

Please help those who help.  The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance, in conjunction with Ovarian Cancer Australia and the Australia New Zealand Gynecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG), are asking women who were diagnosed with ovarian cancer at least six months ago, and received treatment, to complete a confidential survey about concerns they faced post-treatment.

This is important in order to assist in developing better treatments and interventions in the future.

The following survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes and asks about the treatment you received and the impact it had on your quality of life. All answers are confidential.

Thank you for your time and contribution.

PS....  I am coming up on my 5 year survival date on July 29, 2014.  I am so grateful, so humbled.

My Avastin treatment continues to chip away at my remaining tumors.   My rheumatoid arthritis is out of control, but that will hopefully get remedied soon.  Sleep ..... sleep....sleep.  Ha!

Enjoying the light and love from family and friends.  Thanking God for each new day.

Peace and blessings,

Denise Archuleta
aka  #servivorgirl