Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year!  

Generally speaking, I don't make new year's resolutions.  Instead I sift through the areas of my life where I have done well and not so well.  Then I think about why I did well and what area of my life needs the most work to be the best contribution.  I do my best then to find one goal I can improve upon.

Last year I wanted to be the best daughter I could, get healthier and continue to raise awareness of ovarian cancer, whilst always bringing myself closer to God.

This year I think I did most of that, pry helping too much or where I was not wanted. I did as best I could, but also realized I really lost contact with our Lord.  Not so much on a daily prayer basis, because I pray several times per day.  I have not yet truly engaged in my spiritual community.  This year will change, after reparation the goal is to find a way to renew that committment.

I have been blessed with home ministry communion from my local parish over most of this past year due to extreme fatigue and flares of arthritis.  I will ask Sr. Marie to help me through this to attend mass earlier now that our family is moving through the  most devastating loss we ever could imagine.  Healing from this loss will be a lifelong work, I could have never imagined this pain.  But I also could never imagine the relief knowing that she is with God, safe, free, unhindered by earthly anchors and pains.

I know that helping others heal from cancer and raising awareness of ovarian cancer is part of my mission, I know that cannot be done without an ongoing lifelong dedication to building my relationship with Him.

I want simplicity in 2014.  In the most literal sense.  

I ask for prayers to heal those who are sick, impoverished, burdoned with anger and loneliness, and for those who are missing their most beloved.

Below is a link for a message from Pope Francis.  I found it interesting because he noted the importance of our elders.  I pray that this message rings around the world for our elders give us hope, knowledge, confidence, pleasure, love, grace and community.  One of my mom's most fierce passions were the plight of the elderly in this country, being discarded, marginalized and sent away.  It would bring tears to my eyes at what she would endure sometimes   May this trend change so that pur culture brings the aging parents back into our lives.



I dedicate 2014 to my sweet strong loving mom.

I love you!

May each and all of you bring in 2014 recharged, to make just one area of your life in support of community.  For those of you who would like to celebrate the new year in prayer, here is a link that may serve you well:

Monday, December 23, 2013

Missing Our Beloved At Christmas

Christmas Without The Dearly Departed

The tree this year stands at 2 feet, and a tiny string of lights seems just enough.  The complexity of emotions revealed at Christmas just after the death of a dear loved one can be impossible to manage.  We pray for the Grace of God and hope to behave gracefully at this most bittersweet time of year.

To reconcile it all makes no sense.  Be and breathe.  Cry and rejoice.  Trust in Him to comfort you.  We can only do the best we can do, in each hour and day.  Take no stock in the material and offer a smile of joy.    

There is a beautiful poem below the tree:

Christmas In Heaven

We’re wondering what Christmas in Heaven is like  
As we grieve alone and pray,  
longing for one who has gone before  
To spend Christmas in Heaven today. 

And so in our dreams we wander far  
From the scenes and sounds of earth  
‘Til we catch the strains of the Heavenly choir  
As they sing of the Christ Child’s birth. 

The Angels we envision there  
As they join in the restal gay 
And there amid the throng is our Loved One 
Spending Christmas in Heaven today. 

There’s joy in the faith that teaches  
When our life’s work is done 
Of a place in Heaven awaiting  
And the crown we worked for is won. 

In our grief may we learn well the lesson  
So to work and suffer and pray 
As to merit the joys of our loved one  
And to spend Christmas together some day.

~author unknown

Published by TCFAtlanta.Org


Merry Christmas to you and yours,